Then Josh and I sat and waited for the happy smiling kids to get off the bus. Sariah was happy but Will came off like a storm cloud about to explode. At the end of the school year each child gets a note telling them who their new teacher will be next year. Sariah is thrilled with her teacher , as am I. William was expecting to see the Advanced Learning Group teachers name. It wasn't their!!!! It was a regular teachers name.
Needless to say I was a storm cloud after that little announcment. So I called the Districts main number and the nice lady transferred my to a answering machine. I left a message. Then I had Will go and look for the paper that said he made it into the program, called that number. Got and answering machine. All I have ever gotten was a freakin answering machine everytime I call for a specific number. So I guess we will just have to wait until someone decided to listen to their messages and gets back to us. So this is going to be a long weekend. Enjoy the picture of the sunset.

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