Today has just been one of those days. It started off good. I got in two miles today running (a little sore from yesterdays three miles). Had the neighbor girls over for the day and all the kids were getting along pretty good. Then lunch comes. Joshua is whiny and wants me to hold him. William and Sariah get into it. Sariah won't leave Will's room. So I count 5,4,3,2,......1, head down stairs and she has run into the T.V. room. I go to talk to her on the couch and my foot lands in a puddle of water.
Yep, the north side of our down stairs is squishy wet. That took care of the argument between Sariah and William because they now had alot of work to help me with. Come to find out our sump pump hasn't been working the whole time we have had this wet weather. (Six days) I called Aaron and told him what was going on. He can't come home from work, so I called my family to come to my rescue. They come and take the love seat and the entertainment center out for me. I love having my brothers come and rescue me, and my sisters boy friend. Then we pull the carpet up and I proceed to suck up alot of water. All while Joshua is crying and whining for me.
Then I needed to go and pick up Joshua's new birth certificate for a passport app.
Josh still wanting mommy.
Sariah had a Little Miss meeting to attend to. They got to make their own tye-dye t-shirts.
Come home and find Aaron doing the sink full of dishes. Joshua sees me and decides that he still wants me to pick him up and hold him.
Went back to the park to see if any of Sariah's softball team has come for pictures. Two did. No pictures were taken. At least her game was cancelled.
Came back and tried to air out the carpet more while Aaron went for pizza.
Joshua still crying and wanting me to hold him. So while we eat I hold him and realize he is running a fever.
Give him Tylenol.
Go back down stairs to help Aaron and realize Williams carpet needs to come up to. (10 year old boys don't keep their room too clean)
Still holding Josh.
Change the laundry.
Take Josh's temp. 102!
Family pray, time for bed. Lets pray for a better day tomorrow.
P.S. I did think about taking pictures of my brothers taking everything out. But the wet stuff over ruled my thinking. I have to post picture later of the mess.
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