Well I know that I am way behind on this post by about a week. But, time flies when your catching up. Ryan came home on Wednesday the 7. His flight was to be in at 4:05. At 4:30 we were beginning to wonder if he made his connecting flight in Atlanta. But we had a couple of people from his flight keep telling us that he was right behind them. Why is it that missionaries like to keep their families in suspense? You would think that they want to see us just as much as we want to see them. On the way home William started to come down with the flu. And I came down with it later that night. Needless to say Wills plans to spend Thursday with his uncle came to a crashing end.

Then we had the Kippen family Christmas on Saturday. That was 25 + people in my parents house for waffle breakfast and opening presents. That was a lot of fun. Thanks Mom and Dad for the Family Hymn book and the presents for the kids.

Sunday was his talk in church and then the dinner afterwards. He talked about serving in the New York, New York South Mission. And how when he got the call he thought "Manhattan and Bermuda, I'm going to have a cool mission. Cool tourist things to see and then the sandy beaches of Bermuda." But in reality he only went to Manhattan to go to the Temple. And if you were transferred to Bermuda you were there for at least 7 months. So he stayed in the Brooklyn and Bay Shore area. He fell in love with the Brooklyn bridge and the neat people that he got the opportunity to teach. Then if you thought 25 people in my parents house was a lot, try the twice that much. Good thing mom took down her Christmas tree right after our party on Saturday. It was great food and great company. Everyone really liked the pulled pork sandwiches.
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