Monday: We were able to go see "The Forgotten Carols" by Michael McLean. We were supposed to go as a family but Sariah came home from school with the flu. She and Joshua ended up staying at my sister house. It was a great night as you can see from the pictures. William brought a friend to replace his sister for the night.

Tuesday: We had our annual make gingerbread houses night. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera.

Wednesday: The pioneer Elementary school choir performed at the Christmas Village. William did great and Aaron says that I played well. One performance down, four left!
Thursday: Was a night just for me. It was our yearly Stake primary party. It is the night we get together and put our gifts for the ward leaders together, enjoy food, and just relax after the long year of ward conferences and
primary programs(which we still have two wards to go too).

Friday: Date night. This year my sister is in the Chamber choir of the high school.Every year they put on a Dickens Festival. Mariah got the part of The ghost of Christmas past. It was a very entertaining night. I will publish more on it when I can get the pictures posted.
Saturday: My mothers birthday. We celebrated by going out to eat. Thanks again cousin Lynsey for unexpectedly dropping by and taking all the grandkids for us.
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