Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Thunder and Lightning..... maybe something frightening

Well this week has already been a long one. And it is only Tuesday. The kids are home from school and I have got the two neighbor girls four days of the week. Then you have the four days of baseball games and to top it off. Josh came down with his first bout of 24 hour bug. Long night last night. And also today. I got to stay in my P.J. most of the day, until I had to get out of them for Sariah's baseball game.
William had practice tonight. Thankfully Josh finally decided to start to feel better this evening. Although it wasn't early enough to let me make dinner. I am really glad Aaron doesn't mind P.B. and J. once in a while.
Then my running partner called just as I walked in the front door and asked if I wanted to go out and run. Heck yeah. So we went and ran until the evening thunder storm pulled. I went about 2.3 miles and felt so good. Then it poured rain. That's O.k my back yard needs the water. We haven't been able to turn on the sprinklers yet. Two of the heads are broken. They should be fixed this weekend just in time for normal spring weather to return. And then yesterday week took out seven of our Aspen trees that had died since we have lived here. It was one of those things we kept saying to ourselves that we would get to and never did. Well it finally needed to be done. We took out three of them with our hands. They were rotted at the base. Aaron and I just pushed a little and down they went. I am so thankful that the kids hadn't thought of trying to play on them.

Now for the frightening part Josh goes in for his twelve month check up tomorrow. He gets feeling better just so he can get shots and feel horrible.

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