I should be done writing a talk for the adult session of stake conference. I have had three weeks to do it. That's not to say that I haven't thought about it. Or heck even looked up things on the Internet, but actually writing things down is only about 15% done.
But instead of that I am mowing my lawn and fixing my lawnmower, food shopping, going out to lunch with my sisters. And a little more shopping trying to prepare for the upcoming canning season. And tonight we have a ward activity.
Since being in the Stake Primary Presidency, I have really tried to give talks that the spirit prompts me to talk about. And not to have per-say a written talk. It has been quite alright, only because I either just bore my testimony or talked about the scouting program. Or held up a picture that went along with that months primary theme.
Do you think that it would be o.k. to hold up pictures in Stake Conference?
Yeah your right, I would need a really big picture. Of course I don't remember seeing a picture on "Teaching our children to be self-reliant."
Yep, that is the theme of my talk. Good luck me.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Easter... I know I am behind.

Our Easter was pretty good. We were supposed to get a big storm but it didn't come in until later in the night. William and Sariah had fun looking for the eggs at the park. Although Sariah kept running a low grade fever since Thursday, she really went for the whole thing this year. I remember the first year we went she just picked up 6 or 7 eggs and no candy. Then the next year she did the same. Well finally this year she got the right idea to get all that was possible. (I know what kind of kids are we raising?) Then we went back to my mothers house to do an egg hunt their. While we were trying to finish stuffing eggs the kids were out back playing this is the out come of their playtime.

I think the kids did something !!!!

Yep, they broke my mothers back window. My father started the break but the grand kids helped it along.
That night we had an adult egg hunt. The kids hid the eggs and the adults had to use flashlights to find them in the dark. Unfortunately Will and Anna thought that we needed to really be challenged and buried some of them in my mothers hill. Maybe next year we need to let the littler kids hide them for us?
Friday, April 10, 2009
One year older and wiser too....
That's right today is Josh's first birthday.
Here's the stats:
08' weight 9'1'' length 21 1/2 pounds
09' weight 31 inches 24 pounds
Then: You liked to sleep a lot and try to suck your thumb.
Now: You climb up and down the stairs and anything that is your right size. You take how ever many naps you need. Love to pull out anything you get into. You are our mess maker. Discovered that he could climb the dishwasher two weeks ago.
Then: Liked to take baths.
Now: Just like your older brother. Screams when it is bath time. I just don't know why my boys don't like the water?
Then: Anything that you could eat by sucking.
Now: Any thing that is in your reach. Including the dog food. Leftover cereal in the bottom of the cupboard. And especially the leftover candy in the microwave cabinet. But I'd better have a bottle ready when it is bed time. This is a Cheerio that he had on his nose for about ten min.
Happy birthday Lizard. I will have to post pictures of his party and cake later.
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