Today Josh is 11 months old. Here are just a few of the things that are happening in his life.He got two more teeth. It is his top two. This picture is of a cupcake we let him have last night. He was pretty proud of himself for eating most of it plus the marshmallow flower that was on top.

Learned to lick his plate clean so that mom won't yell at him for not finishing his food. (just kidding, I had left his plate on the table and he just picked it up and started to lick it clean). His favorite foods are anything that I put in the baby food grinder. He loves to eat. We are still working on him using his cup more than the bottle.

Found interesting places to get himself stuck.His crawling has improved but if he wants to take anything with him it is army crawl all the way. It keeps his hands free to do other things, like his blanket. That thing has to be with him in the car or you will most certainly hear from him.

And decided that mommy and daddy like to spend their time sitting at the bottom of the stairs to play ball with him. Or anyone who will throw the ball back to him. His favorite toys right now are this blue hand ball and some yard sale toys I picked up last summer. Guess I don't have to buy anything expensive to entertain him for his birthday. :) He climbs up the stairs but will not even try to go down them. Yet! He has definitely got ideas about what I should be doing and when. He loves it when daddy or his brother or sister come home. He gives them the biggest grin.