Teething + Amoxicillian resistant bacteria+ no fever(or crankiness)= Ruptured eardrum.
He was fine on Saturday. Honest. We went to Will's game and then to my mom's house and he crawled all around and hung out with his cousins. Who would have thought that he was getting an ear infection? We just finished a round of antibiotics on Thursday.
So I ended up skipping our sacrament meeting (not like I had two other that I needed to go to), and took Josh to the insta-care. Where I learned that the infection was resistant to the antibiotic and that it did nothing but give him diarrhea. So they gave me a new prescription of Augmentin and cultured his goop coming out of his ear. Just to make sure that this infection was an Augmentin resistant strain!
Then on to the fun part. Having to go and fill the prescription. I hate having to go to the store on Sunday.Well I ended up at the Walmart pharmacy just as they were opening. Josh was asleep in my arms and the lady at the counter said that it would be 40 minutes. O.k. I will just sit here and try not to fall asleep. 30 minutes later she calls my name and tells me that they don't have his strength of med. So now I need to go someplace else. So I ended up at Walgreen and have his med. in 5 min. Guess where I am going to go for out next prescription needs?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
From Friend to Frindle
I have to write this in a week form. Just so many things were going on this week. Sunday night Tracy, my friend from Washington, came into town. We had a good but very brief visit interrupted by the start up of the elementary choir again. So here to the early mornings on Mondays and Wednesday. I also went shopping for the gate for the top of the stairs. We need to rig a dummy board to our railing because the wall and the end of the railing are off set. I will leave that up to my wonderful husband.
This picture is of how an early mornings affects William and Marin (next door neighbor that gets a ride to choir with us)
-Tuesday brought on the doctors visit for Josh.
-Wednesday was still a sick day. By that night I had resigned to the fact that Josh needed to go back to the doctor.
He just doesn't look very good in this picture. This was Thursday morning.
-Thursday Josh woke up with 103.2 fever. After two whole days of antibiotics I was kind of worried about him. But I gave him Tylenol and sent him to my sisters so I could go and substitute at the school. I got to sub Sariahs' class. They are a really good bunch of kids. They are earning "money" for their business day at the end of April. So I got to give it out and take it back for bad behavior. It is amazing what kids will do for the right to keep their money. We also read a book called "Frindle". School ended at 3:15 and I had to take Josh to a doctors apt. at 3:45. William had scouts at 4:00 (thank heavens for car pooling). Well the doctor seems to think that Josh also had a viral on top of the bacterial. Of course he has felt better ever since I took him. But now he has a rash on his torso. That night was a stake meeting for the music choristers. Our Stake Music leader went through the LDS web site. It has fun things you can do with music.
-Friday was the Valentine Day parties at the school. Only I didn't have to help because I was the teacher for the day. I subbed Sariahs' class again. I had a really good day. The kids were excited for the party but they also knew that they had to get their reading and spelling tests out of the way. Then they finished a video called Stonefox, it had a rather sad ending and half the class need a tissue ( it's about a boy trying to save his grandfathers ranch by racing against the rest of the town. In the end his dog dies winning the race). Then the party. The kids had a great time. I even had time to go and sit in on Williams' party. And watch the sixth grades "dance". It was a good day.
Here is the picture of Sariahs' class with their "Frindles". You will have to read the book to understand about the picture.

This picture is of how an early mornings affects William and Marin (next door neighbor that gets a ride to choir with us)
-Tuesday brought on the doctors visit for Josh.
-Wednesday was still a sick day. By that night I had resigned to the fact that Josh needed to go back to the doctor.

-Thursday Josh woke up with 103.2 fever. After two whole days of antibiotics I was kind of worried about him. But I gave him Tylenol and sent him to my sisters so I could go and substitute at the school. I got to sub Sariahs' class. They are a really good bunch of kids. They are earning "money" for their business day at the end of April. So I got to give it out and take it back for bad behavior. It is amazing what kids will do for the right to keep their money. We also read a book called "Frindle". School ended at 3:15 and I had to take Josh to a doctors apt. at 3:45. William had scouts at 4:00 (thank heavens for car pooling). Well the doctor seems to think that Josh also had a viral on top of the bacterial. Of course he has felt better ever since I took him. But now he has a rash on his torso. That night was a stake meeting for the music choristers. Our Stake Music leader went through the LDS web site. It has fun things you can do with music.
-Friday was the Valentine Day parties at the school. Only I didn't have to help because I was the teacher for the day. I subbed Sariahs' class again. I had a really good day. The kids were excited for the party but they also knew that they had to get their reading and spelling tests out of the way. Then they finished a video called Stonefox, it had a rather sad ending and half the class need a tissue ( it's about a boy trying to save his grandfathers ranch by racing against the rest of the town. In the end his dog dies winning the race). Then the party. The kids had a great time. I even had time to go and sit in on Williams' party. And watch the sixth grades "dance". It was a good day.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
10 months and growing...

Today Joshua is 10 months old. I can hardly believe were the time has gone. But today seems like an eternity. I know for a fact that he weighs 21 pounds because we got to visit the doctor today. A temperature of 103 this morning gave me the go ahead to take him in. He has had a stuffy nose for about a week, but was doing fine until last night. Well it turns out that it is an ear infection. Bring on the antibiotics. And throw in a priesthood blessing for good measure. I really can't complain, this is after all only the second time I have had to take him in for being sick. Which really is a blessing knowing how much he is around kids while I am playing for the elementary choir. He is really a good kid.
Things he learned this month:
-How to give his daddy a heart attack. Sunday Aaron is taking a rest on the couch, Joshua and William are playing by the stairs and knocked a box filled with toys down the stairs. Boy, can Aaron move fast. He unfortunately thought that it was Josh going down and not the box. We all had a good laugh at his expense and will be purchasing a gate very soon.
-Really get to the places he wants to go. He may army crawl but he can get their quick.
-He has fallen asleep without the aid of mommy a couple of times.
-Just this weekend he got up the courage to move from one piece of furniture to another.
-He wears 18 month clothes thanks to a very long body.
-Still only has two teeth, but I think he is working on the uppers.
-Hates to be in his car seat unless someone is in the seat next to him.
-Loves to feel snow falling on his face. Rain not so much.
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